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World Cafés for Diversity, Sustainability and Community Engagement

All Sonoma State University students, faculty, staff, and administrators are invited to engage in World Cafés about how to implement SSU’s core values of Diversity, Sustainability, and Community engagement. While the SSU community shared many comments about core values earlier in the strategic planning process, you now have the opportunity to provide specific input about how to integrate these values with the four strategic priorities of the new SSU Strategic Plan: Student Success; Academic Excellence and Innovation; Leadership Cultivation; and Transformative Impact.

The Core Values Working Group will share the findings from these World Cafés with divisions, schools, and departments so the ideas can inform their strategic planning processes later this fall. 

Each World Café will have tables focused on the topics of diversity, sustainability, and community engagement. All three cafés will be held in Schulz 3001:

  • Tuesday October 9, 12 noon – 1:30 pm
  • Wednesday October 10, 8 – 9:30 am
  • Thursday October 11, 4 – 5:30 pm

We strongly encourage you to RSVP so we can order the right quantity of refreshments for each session.  To RSVP to one of the following World Cafés, use this Doodle poll SSU staff should consult with their Appropriate Administrators regarding release for attending a session.

The Core Values Working Group was established by Provost Lisa Vollendorf, and is led by Dean Karen Schneider (2017-2019 Chair, President’s Diversity Council), Claudia Luke (Director, Center for Environmental Inquiry), and Merith Weisman (Director, Center for Community Engagement). Other members of the Core Values Working Group are Jesse Bengson, Caroline  Bañuelos, Becky Cale, Arden Childers, Craig Dawson (ex officio), Charles Elster, Loretta Esparza, Tammy Kenber (ex officio), Teresa Kopaz, and Briana Rodriguez.

Thank you in advance for supporting this crucial initiative. For questions, contact