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Transformative Impact - Academic Affairs

ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - link to complete division plan


GOAL: Deploy SSU talent (faculty, staff, and students) for community-based service, research, and engagement.

Promote research, service, and community engagement related to local issues and the local economy (such as water quality, wine research, fire ecology, resilience, etc.).  
Devise sustainable means of more intentionally integrating our environmental and cultural resources (e.g., the preserves, the campus, the Green Music Center) into teaching, learning, and RSCA opportunities.  


GOAL: Amplify and augment SSU's impacts on our regional communities and on the regional and statewide economies.

Assess and find ways to incentive more volunteerism of SSU staff and faculty  
Create a communication plan to be reviewed on an annual basis to capture and communicate SSU impacts on families, communities, region, and state.  
Support SSU involvement and presence at key community events and on key community organizations (e.g., Sonoma County Science Fair, local leadership councils, etc.).  
Tell the stories of SSU alumni with a focus on the success of those who come from the local area and/or have made an impact on the local area.